Do I need a good preamplifier?

A preamplifier with a low noise figure, mounted as close to the antenna as possible is always a very good help, but it's not strictly necessary to make your first contacts. The larger EME stations are normally using a lot of power and somehow this will compensate your little reception. You can always get a preamplifier later, when you decide it's time to improve your reception.

You are only 7 steps away from making your first MoonBounce QSO! Keep reading..


Ham Radio Eme Antenna Moon Reflections

Step 1. Get the WSJT free program

WSJT is a digital communications program written by K1JT and specially intended for weak signal communications in the VHF&up bands. It provides different modes adapted to different modes of propagation and bands. For 2m MoonBounce you will use the JT65B mode. You can download it from K1JT's WEB site.

Once you have downloaded the setup program you will have to install it your PC. If you are familiar with installing Windows applications this will be very easy, as you simply have to accept the default options offered by the setup program, however if you want you can also have a look at the WSJT setup procedure. Dark lord of the sith.

Step 2. Connect the PC to the radio.

If you have already worked some kind of digital communications (RTTY, Packet, PSK-31,etc) you will possibly be able to use the same interface for the WSJT program, and you could skip this step.

If you have never connected your PC to the transceiver then you will need some kind of interface to connect them. If you can afford it the best is to buy a commercial interface, such as the RigBlaster (available at West Mountain Radio).

If you want to build your own interface, you will need to make the serial port cable from your computer be able to key the PTT line of your transmitter. You also must isolate and attenuate the audio from the computer sound card (Line output / Speaker), so it can be connected to the transmitter MIC input. Information on how to do this can be found in many places, but here you have two simple designs.

And finally, you will have to split the audio output from your receiver, and run an audio line over to your computer sound card (Line input / Mic). This will permit your computer to also hear your receiver, and process the signals coming in.

Step 3. Automatically synchronize the PC Time.

WSJT modes (and specially the JT65x) require of a very accurate PC time in order to achieve good results. So accurate that in fact it's not enough to update the PC time manually. It's necessary to update it automatically according to some reliable source.

The most common way to do it is through Internet by using a Time Synchronization program, such as Dimension 4 or Automachron, and configuring them to synchronize the time every 5 minutes or so.

It is important that you select one of the time servers that will provide accurate and reliable time corrections to your computer from your particular location and internet connection. You can verify that the time has been properly set within a half second, by listening to WWV and watching the seconds display on the Dimension 4 program screen. If the time server you select doesn't seem to match WWV, or there seem to be corrections >.1 second when you repeatedly manually set the time with Dimension 4 or Automachron, try selecting a different time server from the optional list provided.

However, if you don't have an Internet connection in your radio shack then you still have other alternatives to achieve an accurate PC time synchronization:

Step 4. Run WSJT for the first time and Configure it

Configuring the WSJT options properly is important in order to make successful QSO, so please read carefully the page on configuration.

Step 5. Rig setup

Make sure your transmitter is set to USB position and that the receiver is set to the widest filter width. If you have bandpass adjustment on your receiver, make sure it is set to pass tones from 1200 Hz - 1800 Hz (usually by turning the bandpass off). In general you could leave the noise blanker active, but make sure you turn the AGC off. If your rig has a Mic. compressor or speech. processor button you should also activate it, to insure that you are sending each of the tones at full power.

Step 6. Program operation

You should definitively read the operating manual provided with the program as it covers almost all details you need to know, however you could also find interesting to watch the following visual examples of real JT65B EME QSO.

Step 7. Get on the air

Now you are ready for your first WSJT EME QSO. However here there are some additional suggestions for you:
If you have some doubt or you need any additional information don't hesitate to send me an E-Mail
A Romanian translation of this JT65B / WSJT tutorial, provided by YO6XK, is available here.
WSJT info >> Program setupInitial configurationPC to radio Interface
JT65B info >>Guide for beginnersQSO example #1QSO example #2
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14 user comments
Nagyon fontos és végtelenül szakszerü leírás. Indítást kaptam felhasználására.
Köszönettel: Bandi HA1SD.
Is it possible to recive [no transmit] eme jt65 signals using handheld 2m radio and simple (small) antenna?
its always good when some one explains things in easy terms hi hi i got an interface set my eleven element long yagi up on a tripod in the back yard ft847 50w and worked dave w5un :-)im hooked!!!!!!
Have always wanted to try EME, so with two weeks off for Christmas 2010, I assembled a working 2 meter EME station consisting of a KLM 16lbx mounted on a wooden pallet using a 5 foot tripod for support, and a 15 foot mast with 50 feet of 1/2 hardline. AZ/EL adjustments are done manually by hand when I can see the Moon to point the antenna. I used a Kenwood TS 2000x running 10 watts into a Tokyo High Power Labs HL-350v running 350 watts out. Over the course of two clear nights I worked 8 initial contacts to Europe and 2 initials in the USA. Many of the Stations could be heard in my speaker audio. Consisdering I live on the west side of a 1600 foot Mountain and my moonrise is above 20 degrees I am definetly hooked on EME. Next step is to add some rotors to my single yagi setup so I can find the Moon when it cant be seen due to cloud cover and make more contacts.
Excellent,will try to be on by spring. How about 6 meters,isit ever used for EME?
I need some tips on the minimum yagi I will need. I currently have an Arrow hand held LEO Satellite Antenna - 3 Elements for 2 Meters crossed with 7 Elements for 70 cm. I have a HOA restricted home, so I have to remove my antenna when done for the day. I mount on an 8 foot tripod. I was thinking of getting the M2 432-12EME Yagi 12 elements and 14.4dbd gain which would fit on my tripod with a 10 foot boom. Someone said however, there is not much 'big gun' activity on 440, and I had better go with two meters. M2 has a 7 element 2M with a 10 foot boom. Hi gain is over 20 foot boom, too unwieldy for me.
My questions: Is 440 not active with big guns? How big of a 2M yagi would be the minimum?
Hello any schedulle for argentina?.
I run 100 W and a 8 elemente antena with low noise preamp on mast. Traking via LVBtrack.
QRV from 00 to 03:00 UTC evry day.
FWIW: I now have 446 Initial QSO's on 2M using a single 21el (8wl) M2 yagi. Included are 45 with other 1-yagi stations. Give EME a try!
Are there any other 2m EME loggers/chats? JT65 EME Chat doesn't work with a server error, ON4KST chat is rarely used, and LiveCQ 144MHz is used even less! The EME guys must hang out online somewhere to arrange skeds - but where?
Are there any other 2m EME loggers/chats? JT65 EME Chat doesn't work with a server error, ON4KST chat is rarely used, and LiveCQ 144MHz is used even less! The EME guys must hang out online somewhere to arrange skeds - but where?
On April 21, 2010, I was able to work KB8RQ using JT65B/WSJT running 100W on a single 11EL Yagi (VHF). This is really exciting!
The information on the frequencies to monitor is explained in step 7.
I have tried a lot of modes etc since the old AM days,moon bounce i always put as out of my reach,untill reading your page.The missing info is which frequencies to monitor,for 2 meters ??
Nice article. Now I am thinking doing eme. All I need is homebrewing a 144Mhz beam. Thanks for explaining the magic.
73, Fazlay
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Communicating over great distances via VHF continues to fascinate many amateurs. EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) communication, also known as 'moonbounce', meteor scatter, and VHF cw DX are some of the techniques used. In the case of EME and meteor scatter, the concept is simple: use the moon or the ionized trail of a meteor as a passive reflector for VHF and UHF signals. A simple but effective station is within the reach of most amateur experimenters. With the advent of very sensitive receiving preamplifiers and commercially available high-gain Yagi antennas, many VHF operators are enjoying successful weak signal contacts. With a total path length of about 500,000 miles, EME is the ultimate DX -- for the time being! Weak signal VHF work is discussed in a operational way at the Weak Signal Operating page.